Friday 14. March 2025 17:30 - Next Dance
Second Friday, call it a "Contra" Valentine's Day
Am Glacis Kulturverein
Glacisstrasse 61a/Hinterhof, 1.Stock, 8010 Graz
Facebook event
what is contra?
Contra dance is a New England folk social dance of mixed English and American tradition that has earned a reputation for being fun, diverse, inclusive and open to all. Dances are done in long lines and the steps are simple figures that a Caller combines together to create a longer pattern that is repeated until the music ends.
The Pros of Contra
ablauf of our dances
Admission is free of charge, but we ask you to kindly donate to the band for their hard work!
We end all sets with a slow waltz - you may dance alone or as a couple or with a group - as you like!

A typical contra dance in Worcester, Massachusetts

Where do we meet?
Am Glacis Kulturverein
Glacisstrasse 61a/Hinterhof, 1.Stock
8010 Graz
Click here for a map.

Nearby transit: Maiffredygasse (100m / 2min walk), Kaiser-Josef-Platz/Oper (150m / 3min walk), Jakominiplatz (500m / 7min walk)

⛔🅿️ No parking on site. On street Blue Zone parking fees until 20:00 Fridays. Nearby parking garages: Schörgelgasse 5, Burgring (Einspinnergasse 10)

When do we meet?
First Fridays of the month (with a few exceptions):
the team

Caller: Brian Roberts


Irma Servatius (Fiddle)
Philip Daniel (Banjo)
Woodcut Photo

Guest Callers and/or Bands will be announced separately

informational web links
A typical contra dance in Worcester, Massachusetts
English Language Wikipedia - CONTRA DANCE
German Language Wikipedia - CONTRA DANCE
Contra Dance Steps
JUST FYI - you won't need to know these - we tell you every dance what to do! :)

A Brief History of Contra Dancing